Alley Cat Jan. 13th
Shipwreck is putting on a race THIS Saturday, the 13th. It's the first of three races, three Saturdays in a row. It's a Stage Race. First race is a two mile Time Trial. Weeeeeee. yeah. I'll be there. This event is happening come rain, sleet, ICE, toads, Mother In-laws, pudding pops... Nuthin's stoppin' it! not even Godzilla, and Mothra after they became friends and used their massive size for good. Frankly speaking, now that the monsters have mellowed, I think they've lost a bit of their edge. but then again I don't speak Japanese so maybe there's a subtlety I'm not getting with the dubbed version of GODZILLA AND MOTHRA TAKE A CERAMICS CLASS... all was lost.
So here's the link to the info:
While you're at the Bikeliker site, sign up and make yourself a profile.
see you Saturday,
p.s. this is Shipwrecks wrace direct all questions to him. I don't really know much more than you now. have fun.